Smart devices provide flexible system integration, automation, and control when it comes to audio, lighting, shades, HVAC, and so many other smart technologies bringing comfort and convenience to daily life. Adding tablets for control in spaces where they are needed most provides quick access to transform an environment for the audience, the activity, and the desired experience. IPORT solutions support iPad by holding, charging, protecting, and connecting dedicated devices for reliable control anywhere it’s needed.

Dedicate iPad for home control. With IPORT, iPad can be transformed into a powerful control device for any smart home technology with products that mount, charge, protect, and connect iPad, creating an seamless control experience.

Business is driven by Apps. iPad deployments have become a necessity. The optimal solution for iPad deployments in business is the combination of the iPad, applications, and the method to hold, charge, protect, and connect the device.

Taking convenience and system automation aboard for luxury yacht experiences that delight. IPORT cases, bases, and systems provide robust device charging and docking for reliable control in unique yacht spaces.