Sonance Internet Reselling Policy
Sonance Internet Reselling Policy
Genuine Sonance products with factory warranties are sold in the United States only through a network of Sonance-authorized dealers and distributors.
Authorized Sonance dealers and distributors have the knowledge and training to supply you with the Sonance products that best meet your needs,
and to install those products so that you’ll enjoy their maximum performance and Sonance factory warranties.
Know your seller! Sonance products purchased from unauthorized sources may be used, damaged, repaired, or altered and are NOT covered by Sonance warranties. Sonance factory warranties apply only to products purchased from authorized Sonance dealers and distributors. Sonance strongly recommends that you verify if the seller you’re considering is an authorized Sonance dealer, This is especially important when considering purchasing Sonance products over the Internet. Internet audio discount or liquidation companies are NOT authorized sellers of Sonance products, and the products they sell are NOT covered by Sonance factory warranties.
Sonance factory warranties do not apply:
- If you purchase a Sonance product from a seller who is NOT an authorized Sonance dealer or
- If you purchase a Sonance product with a serial number that has been removed, defaced or changed.
If you purchase a Sonance product from a seller who is NOT an authorized dealer:
- The Sonance warranty does not apply and we will not make any repairs to the product, and
- Sonance is NOT responsible and will not be able to assist you if you have a problem with the seller regarding your purchase or service.
- AD Electronics and More
- Amazon
- AMI ventures inc
- ATX Tronics
- AV Toy Store
- AVNation
- Beach Audio
- Blue-Chip Electronics
- Chitownnomi
- DemProductsales
- Designer Audio Video
- Digital Craze
- DirectNine
- DMG Martinez Group
- Dynamic Electronics USA
- Ebay
- Elegant Audio Video
- Elistinka
- FM Box
- Handelnine Global
- Hatchfield Co.
- Home OnLine
- iBuys
- Lone Star Systems
- MLP Home Theater
- New Audio United
- New Audio Video
- Omnihil
- PA Home and Outdoors
- Premier Car & Home Audio
- ProAV Dealer
- Samtechonline
- Simple Cell Inc.
- TechZone
- Total Performance Sounds
- Toys on line
- Vindico electronics
- Walmart Market Place
Design Award Winners
Congratulations to the 2024 Sonance Design Award Winners
Success at CEDIA
We had an exceptional show with 1000s of attendees flowing through our booth to connect with our people and get excited about our new products and messaging. We shared a new demonstration in the booth that showcased Sonance Visual Experience, NEW Sonance Small Aperture, and Invisible Series with a powerful message and strategy around making spaces comfortable through the appropriate implementation of key elements.
Sonance was honored and awarded by the CEDIA organization for Best New Hardware for Visual Experience Series with Quadratech and for Business Excellence for our Authentic Partnership. This recognition fuels our desire to continue to drive ourselves and the industry forward and to serve our customers each and every day.
Q3 Video Update