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Outreach Spotlight

Beach Cleanup: Sonance | Surfrider Foundation

San Clemente, CA


Sonance is committed to making a positive impact and giving energy to help the environment. The Sonance Foundation, in partnership with our local Surfrider Foundation chapter, holds beach cleanup events to help remove litter and washed up debris from the surrounding shoreline.


The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. The Surfrider Foundation is committed to fostering a just, equitable, diverse and inclusive organization for all people who protect and enjoy the world’s ocean, waves, and beaches. This year marks 40 years of action by the Surfrider Foundation to protect our ocean, waves, and beaches.

"The Surfrider Foundation is committed to fostering a just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive organization for all people who protect and enjoy the world’s ocean, waves, and beaches."



A great excuse to get out there and clean up our beaches in San Clemente that we love so much. Not only this, but our team bonds with the community and contributes to a cause we all care about- clean water!

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